Solar Energy Pros and Cons

solar pros and cons
If you're thinking about going solar, first learn the solar energy pros and cons. We'll also discuss the federal incentives available, current pricing on systems, and how a home's layout affects its potential for success with solar panels.

Solar Energy Pros

The biggest solar energy advantage is the ability to generate energy from the sun. However, there are several disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that it is only efficient when the sun is shining. This reduces solar savings greatly in cold and cloudy climates. Additionally, it can cause significant pollution when there is heavy overcast. So, while the sun’s light is beneficial to many people, there are also some downsides. Here are some of them. 

The first solar energy disadvantage is the cost. Although the solar power systems cost a lot of money to install, they pay for themselves in less time. In addition, homeowners are eligible for incentives from the government that can help offset the initial investment. And the reduced electricity bills will help them pay for the solar system. Another solar energy disadvantage is that there are many moving parts. But, this is outweighed by the benefits of the system. Let’s take a look at all the solar energy pros and cons.

1. Solar Can Reduce Or Eliminate Your Utility Bill

You may have heard that adding solar to your home can reduce or even eliminate your utility bill. This is true in some cases, but it will also depend on your particular system. If you install solar in the winter, for example, your usage will be less than your system’s production during the summer. If you are on a grid, your utility company will credit you for any unused electricity you generate in the summer months.

While it is possible to go off the grid entirely, many homeowners find it extremely expensive. A good way to save money is by taking a look at solar energy in your area. By going solar, you can drastically cut your monthly electricity costs. With the right equipment, you can install enough solar panels to completely eliminate your utility bill. If you have a large enough roof, you can even cut your annual bill to zero.

solar energy pros and cons

Net metering is another common option. Under net metering, you will sell your excess solar electricity to your utility company. The energy will be automatically transferred to the electric grid system for the other homes in your community. The utility company will then issue you credits toward your future electric bill. During the winter months, Florida homeowners typically generate more electricity than they use. In these times, you can cash in your credits to offset your winter energy bill.

2. Solar Power Can Increase the Value of Your Home

According to Zillow, the value of homes with solar installation are sold for more than homes without solar panels. However, there are some differences. Some areas have higher utility costs and some have lower utility costs, so the resale value can be lower or higher than the average. Installing solar panels on your home will increase its value by around 22% to 40%. And it may increase the price of your home by as much as $17,000.

A solar-paneled home can increase its resale value by about 20%. This is a good deal for a home owner who needs to sell their property soon. The cost of electricity in a particular area may vary from the cost of a solar-panel installation in another area. And because the resale value is tied to energy prices, adding solar panels to your house will boost its value.

increased home value

The average rooftop installation will pay for itself in less than five years. Moreover, solar-powered homes can qualify for tax incentives that cover the costs of solar systems multiple times over. Increasing the value of your home will also benefit you financially, as buyers consider the cost of electricity when they are buying a new house.

3. Home Solar Eliminates Rising Energy Costs

The rise in energy costs has led many homeowners to look for ways to reduce their bills. During the last twenty years, the cost of electricity has risen by 110%. This estimate is based on the average annual inflation rate of 3.97%, and assumes that the cost of electricity will remain the same for the next 20 years. A solar energy system can lock in your electricity bill for the next twenty years, and the government’s generous tax credit can help you offset the cost of the solar installation.

The price of solar panels has dropped by seventy percent since the early 2000s. That means that the cost of a solar system is still significantly less than the cost of an electric bill from a utility. This is great news for consumers who don’t have much money to spare and cannot afford to wait for the tax credit to expire. By 2021, the government tax credit for residential home owners will be cut to a whopping 26%.

Although solar energy is more expensive, it is a proven way to save money. During a twenty-year period, an average solar installation will save a homeowner $89,057. In addition, the government’s tax credit will be reduced to just two percent. This is a tremendous savings for the average consumer, and homeowners cannot wait for the tax credit to go away. And once that tax credit disappears, the government’s incentive will be gone.

How to Get Paid For Solar Power Production

There are many ways to get paid for solar power production. The most popular way is to sell your excess electricity to the utility. The net amount of kilowatt hours you give back to the grid is called a SREC. These can be sold on the SREC market. Keep in mind that you are not selling electricity; you are selling SRECs from your solar energy system. SRECs come from the Renewable Portfolio Standards, which helps utility companies build their green portfolio and meet state renewable energy goals.

Some utilities are even willing to pay for solar power credits that reduce your energy bill. These credits vary by state, but they often come in the form of cash refunds. There are a few extra steps that you should take before monetizing your solar power. Make sure you follow the rules before setting up your solar panels. Know your utility company’s interconnection standards and how much you can sell back. Also, keep in mind that you may need special permits or insurance to install your solar panel system.

When you are first starting out, you must decide how to monetize your solar power production. You will need to contact your local utility company and see what the interconnection standards are for your area. These will determine how much you can sell back. You should also check with your homeowner’s insurance provider to make sure you’re covered. In some cases, you may be eligible for regional or federal grants. And best of all, you’ll receive free electricity for the life of your system. This can last for 25 or 30 years, enabling you to completely eliminate your monthly electric bill.

4. Solar Helps Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Using solar energy to power your home can dramatically reduce your household’s carbon footprint. Assuming that you use 957-kilowatt hours per month, this can mean a reduction of over 15,000 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. Those savings can be a tremendous help toward a more sustainable lifestyle. You can further reduce your footprint by limiting your driving, buying organic food, planting a garden, unplugging electronics, and line-drying clothes.

By installing solar power at home, you can reduce your dependence on electricity companies and drastically lower your carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced by a person or group. Many things in our life contribute to our carbon footprint, from the type of clothing we wear to our lifestyle. So if you want to reduce your carbon footprint, you should use solar power in your home. There are many benefits to using solar energy.

When used in buildings, solar panels can eliminate or greatly reduce the amount of carbon emissions that are released into the atmosphere. In addition to reducing your carbon footprint, solar energy also helps prevent air pollution and other harmful pollutants. It produces no pollution at all, and it can be easily installed on existing buildings or vacant lots. The Clearway Community Solar project is one example of an environmentally-friendly way to use solar power and reduce your carbon footprint.

5. Solar Is a Proven Technology That Works in Many Climates

Why should you choose solar energy? Its benefits go beyond the environment; it is also an effective way to power your home and reduce your electric bill. The history of photovoltaic solar power begins in the late 1800s. The first PV silicon cell was created in 1954 and converted sunlight into electricity for electrical equipment. In 1983, worldwide PV production exceeded 21 megawatts. By 2014, the total installed solar capacity in the United States was 47.1 gigawatts.

Solar power began as scientific experimentation in the late 1800s. In 1954, the first silicon cell converted sunlight into electricity and ran electrical equipment. By 1983, worldwide PV production reached 21 megawatts. Today, there are 47.1 gigawatts of solar capacity installed nationwide. In today’s climates, solar power is a proven, reliable technology that is more affordable than ever. There are many benefits to using solar power.

For example, solar power is a proven technology with a long history of success. In 2009, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory published the first study that surveyed 54,500 solar projects and compiled data on the number of failed panels. They found that the failure rate was just five out of every 10,000 panels annually – a mere 0.05% of all photovoltaics! So why should you invest in solar energy?

6. Solar Power Is Surprisingly Affordable

The cost of installing solar panels has dropped dramatically over the past decade as the cost of grid electricity has risen. As a result, the “break-even” point has gotten much more attractive. A five-kilowatt system costs $19,840 in California and $18,600 in Kansas City. But in the Northeast, where solar costs more than four dollars a watt, solar is surprisingly affordable.

The cost of installing a small residential solar system can be as low as $2 per watt, a dramatic price drop considering the low labor costs and maintenance required. And with the federal investment tax credit, state renewable portfolio standards, and net metering policies encouraging the installation of solar, the costs are falling. The report takes both solar and grid energy into account and concludes that solar is cheaper in most U.S. cities.

The study calls for reducing the cost of non-hardware, which can account for as much as 64 percent of the total cost. These non-hardware costs include customer acquisition, installation labor, financing, permitting, and customer service. As a result, the cost of solar power is still extremely affordable. However, this can change if more people choose to use it. In fact, the solar power industry is already cheaper than the traditional electric grid, thanks to the EPA’s incentive programs.

7. How Solar Benefits the Whole Electricity Grid

Installing solar on your property is a great way to reduce your energy costs. Most electricity bills have two primary charges: the supply charge, for procuring electricity, and the transmission and distribution charge, for transporting it to your home. When you install solar on your property, you will be reducing the amount of electricity you use in these two areas, resulting in lower bills. In addition, the solar energy you produce will reduce the amount of electricity you have to move across transmission lines.

The electric grid is at risk because of aging power plants and a lack of modern energy infrastructure. Thankfully, solar energy helps the electric utility industry to resolve these problems. With rooftop solar, consumers can save money and be a valuable part of the solution. By providing electricity on a large scale, solar can help to secure the grid and protect consumers from blackouts. And because solar power is so inexpensive, even the smallest installation can make a significant impact on the grid.

Increasing the amount of solar power available to the grid is one of the best ways to lower the cost of electricity. In a recent study by Synapse Energy Economics, distributed solar reduced the cost of power by nearly $20 million in New England in one week. Adding transmission lines to these grids is expensive, so distributed solar is a great way to reduce the cost of power. In addition to the cost savings, solar also provides a reliable energy source.

8. Solar Power Systems Have a Long Lifespan

The panels in your solar power system should last for a very long time. If you install a high-quality solar panel, it can last for over 40 years. The life span will gradually decrease as the panel’s age, though. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels have a 50-year life span. If you choose a thin-film panel, you can only hope to get 10 years from your solar panels.

Although the panels are the most durable part of a solar power system, inverters and batteries must be maintained for a longer life. They are also more expensive to replace, so it’s important to choose a high-quality solar panel with a long warranty. Battery maintenance is also a must. This way, you will know if the panels are still working properly. In addition, you’ll be able to check on the inverter’s performance before you decide to purchase a new one.

Solar power systems have a long lifespan, and they can continue to produce power for decades. The industry average is 25 years. Most online calculators are based on a twenty-five-year life. But if you buy a good-quality panel, it can be up to 30 years. And you’ll save money in the process, because the panels are thinner and require less energy to manufacture.

9. Solar Supports the Local Economy

In addition to helping local businesses and consumers save money on their electricity bills, solar power is also a great way to support the local economy. Energy expenses are usually exported to the global energy market, and much of that money is used to buy energy. This means that less money is returning to the community where it was spent – money that could have been used to create jobs or increase the tax base. Buying solar power from a local contractor is an excellent way to support the local economy and make your purchase even more beneficial.

In addition to reducing energy costs and protecting the environment, solar power also helps to create jobs and support the local economy. According to the National Renewable Energy Council, a utility-scale solar installation can save hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon each year, power local grids, and generate tax revenue for local communities. By making these investments, legislators can help the local economy thrive. They can learn from projects like Bighorn Solar Project to help their communities develop solar-powered infrastructure.

In addition to saving money on electricity bills, the solar industry is a source of job growth in local communities. Eighty percent of solar installation companies report serving customers in their area. Not only is this a great way to support local economies, but it’s also a great way to create jobs for low-income people. If you want to learn more about how solar power can help the local economy, consider investing in a community-scale solar installation.

Solar Energy Cons

1. The Initial Solar Investment Can Be High, But the Benefits Are Immense

While the initial solar investment can be high, the benefits are immense. If you install solar panels on your roof, you can recoup the entire cost of the system when you sell the home in five to 10 years. First, check with your local realtor to see if the sale premium included the cost of installing solar. If so, you can use the premium from the sale to pay off your loan. Otherwise, you can use the money to finance future projects.

The installation costs of solar panels are relatively low, especially when you factor in the federal investment tax credit (ITC). After the installation, you can claim a 30 percent tax credit. However, the payback period for a seven-kilowatt system is eight to 11 years. This is because of the high electricity prices in New York. In contrast, a seven-kilowatt solar system will produce approximately ten times less electricity than a 10-kW system.

If you are a homeowner, you can also get a 30% tax credit if you meet certain requirements. Nevertheless, the tax credit for solar installations is only available for the first five years and will soon be phased out. In the meantime, many states will grant property tax exemptions if you install solar panels on your roof. These exemptions can save you hundreds of dollars every year. This means that it is not impossible for you to go solar at home.

2. Solar Doesn't Generate Power at Night

One of the most popular misconceptions about solar panels is that they don’t generate power at night. Although solar panels need sunlight to produce energy, that doesn’t mean that they don’t work at night. Instead, they can be used to store excess energy and provide energy at night. That way, you’ll be able to have electricity even when the sun doesn’t shine. This is known as solar storage.

It’s possible that your solar panels don’t generate power at night. But there’s a solution! It’s called “net metering.” This system turns your solar panels into a grid-connected system. That means you can use the energy credits you’ve generated during the day. That way, you’ll be able to use the power from your solar panels even if the sun isn’t shining.

There are two ways to use solar power at night. First, you can use a solar on-grid system. This system will connect to the electrical grid. This type of solar panel is perfect for cities with frequent power outages or where the weather is cloudy most of the time. It will provide you with electricity 24/7. You’ll have access to clean, renewable energy, without worrying about power outages.

Solar power can only produce power in the daytime hours when sunlight is plentiful. If the sun is not out, it will not work, and the energy won’t be produced at night. The same holds true for cloudy days and darker nights. Besides, solar power systems don’t generate electricity in the dark. And the sun’s absence also makes it expensive. There are many other problems with solar energy, including the fact that it can’t generate electricity at night.

3. Can't Install Solar on All Roof Types?

One common myth about solar panels is that you can’t install them on all roof types. While it’s true that most roofs can accommodate solar panels, there are certain considerations you should make when evaluating your roof. In addition to its age, the condition of your roof may also be an important factor. Some types of roofs are more suitable for solar installations than others. Read on to learn more about the different types of roofing and whether they’re suitable for solar installations.

Before deciding whether or not you can install solar on your roof, you must determine your roof’s orientation and its pitch. A south-facing roof will receive more sunlight than a north-facing or east-facing rooftop. However, a south-facing roof with a 36-degree pitch will be undone by shade. Fortunately, there are specialized mounting inserts for different kinds of tiles.

Another problem with flat roofs is that installing solar on clay tiles can be difficult. This is because the tiles can’t be easily pushed up to make room for the racking feet. A typical installation will require the installer to remove the tiles in order to attach the racking feet. This process requires more labor as the installer will have to lift the tiles and secure them with metal hooks. Fortunately, there are now specialized mounting inserts for various types of tile.

4. Solar Panels Take Up a Lot of Roof Space

If you’re thinking about installing a solar panel system, you’ve probably wondered how big your roof needs to be. In order to determine the size of your panels, you should first estimate your energy use each year. The easiest way to do this is to look at your current monthly energy bill. The amount of energy you use should be listed in kilowatt-hours. To get an idea of how much you’ll need in a year, multiply your energy usage by twelve. You’ll need between 60 and 70 square feet of roof space for an average-sized panel. That’s between 425 and 500 square feet.

The exact number of solar panels you need will depend on the size of your roof and how much sunlight your roof receives. For example, if your home has a roof that has a slope of twenty-five degrees, you will need a larger system than if you have a flat roof with a steep slope. You’ll need to plan ahead for the placement of the panels, and it’s important to choose a system that will fit well with your roof.

The size of your solar panels will also depend on the type of roof that you have. In the northern hemisphere, a southern-facing roof will be best for installing solar panels. In the southern hemisphere, sunlight is most concentrated at that latitude. This means that your panels will receive more direct sunlight, which is more efficient for creating energy. If your roof does not face south, you’ll need to install more of them, which will take up more space on your roof.

5. Solar Power is a Long-Term Commitment

There are many advantages of solar power for homes. Besides being a renewable energy source, it also has a significant environmental impact. Every year, more than 400 million tons of hazardous waste are generated. If improperly disposed of, it can have adverse effects on human health and the environment. As solar does not use fuel for electricity generation, there is no risk of radioactive waste being generated. In addition, there are no maintenance and repair costs to worry about with solar.

Purchasing solar panels for your home is an excellent choice for first-time homeowners who want to make their place their own. Renting a home can be extremely costly, and if you plan to move in the future, it might not be the best idea. A solar panel system will give you the chance to take full ownership of your property, and you will no longer be stuck paying the company for electricity.

A solar panel system will save you a lot of money in the long run. Installing a solar panel system is a long-term commitment, so if you plan to move, you may want to reconsider. After all, a solar panel isn’t something you can simply return to a store. Additionally, once you buy the panels, you’ll have to deal with the financing and installation for many years.

6. Why Solar Panel Installation Isn't Immediate

If you’ve been considering solar installation but are hesitant because the upfront costs seem too high, it’s time to think again. There are several advantages of installing solar panels on your home. One of these is the tax benefits you can receive. Federal tax deductions for solar installation costs are 26% of the total cost, and there’s no dollar limit. You can enjoy these tax savings forever. Here are more reasons why you should invest in solar panels on your home.

Another benefit to solar power is its low operating costs. There’s no need for fuel, which makes it extremely affordable for many people. In addition to lowering energy bills, solar panels create a great deal of energy. If you’re looking to install a solar energy system on your home, it’s important to know what you’ll be paying each month in energy bills. If you don’t have the cash to pay for a solar installation right away, leasing is a great option. However, before you lease, be sure to understand what’s involved.

If you’re looking to purchase a solar panel, the best option is to lease one. Leasing is an excellent option if you can’t afford to buy one outright. You’ll get a payment that isn’t immediate but is still worth it. The payback period for a solar panel installation in Massachusetts is only 3.2 years. If you’re looking for a long-term investment, this is definitely the best option.

7. The Process of Solar Panel Production is Not 100% Environmentally Friendly

While there are many benefits to using solar panels, there are also negative aspects. These panels can contain harmful chemicals. Concerns about toxicity come into play not only during the manufacturing process but also during disposal and the life cycle of the panels. This article will discuss the benefits of using solar panels as well as the problems that they present. Let’s start by examining the process of solar panel production. To begin, let’s look at the production process.

The solar industry has been using chemicals since the early days of its development. However, in recent years, researchers have been working with companies to find safer and more environmentally-friendly substitutes. Nevertheless, solar technology is advancing and a sustainable future is possible. Despite the challenges associated with chemical production, electricity generated by solar generates zero emissions and no greenhouse gases. The energy it takes to produce the panels far exceeds the energy it consumes.

The main challenge for the solar industry is obtaining the necessary raw materials. The most important material in solar power systems is pure metallurgical silicon. Several other materials are required to create a solar panel. These materials are not found in nature and are usually created as byproducts from other processes. Besides, the process requires high quantities of these chemicals, which can lead to a significant amount of waste.

8. Why It's Tough to Find Quality Solar Companies

Finding a quality solar company can be a difficult process. There are many factors to consider, including your local building code and the company’s track record. Some installers have a reputation for being slow and unreliable, which can make it tough to find the right company for your project. But there are ways to ensure you don’t end up dealing with these types of companies. These tips will help you choose a company that’s both reliable and affordable.

The first thing you should consider is the experience of the solar company you choose. If the company is younger than five years, they may not be around for the full 25-year warranty period. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 50 percent of businesses last five years. If a company goes out of business, the warranty on your solar panels is meaningless. In that case, you’d have to find a quality solar company yourself. One way to find out the quality installers in your area is to work with a company like Solar Directory that uses AI to determine the most reputable installers in your area. All you need to do is provide them with some basic information and they can lead you in the right direction.

Another factor to consider is the quality of the salespeople and staff. While solar companies have many advantages in the long run, you must also consider the cost of installation and maintenance. A company with a solid track record and high customer satisfaction is more likely to be able to meet your needs. Some companies will even offer a warranty, which is crucial for the long-term success of your solar system. If you’re concerned about the costs of solar panels, contact a solar company as soon as possible to find the right one for you.

10. Tough to Calculate the Financial Benefits of Solar Power

While the financial benefits of solar power are clear, the process of calculating these savings is complex. First, calculate the cost of the panels you want to buy. Depending on the amount of electricity you use, this can be anywhere from 20% to 50% of your monthly bill. However, if you plan to use the solar panels for commercial purposes, you may need to pay more upfront. This is why it’s important to get at least three to five quotes from different companies.

Once you have a good idea of the costs and benefits, you can start comparing quotes. Then, look at how long it will take to pay off your system. Using the national average, the payback period for solar power will be eight years, but that number is more optimistic for the future. With the right estimate, you can determine how much you can expect to save.

The cost of a solar system depends on your state and incentives. In many states, you can get zero-down loans to cover the cost. In addition, your system will not produce any electricity at night, which means that you will not see any positive cash flow from it. Moreover, the intensity of the sun varies from location to location and day to day. Clouds, snow, and foliage cover can significantly affect the efficiency of solar panels.

Key Takeaways of Solar Energy Pros and Cons

There are many advantages of using solar power, but it’s important to know all the solar energy pros and cons before buying a solar system. First of all, a solar system can be customized for your needs, and it is highly customizable. Not only does it give you control over your power company, but you can also add panels, batteries, and other components as your needs change. One of the benefits of solar energy is that you can learn how to install new panels and add storage systems in the future, if you want.

In addition to saving money, solar energy can help you to combat the rising cost of electricity. It can even power homes that are located far from the electrical grid. In addition to reducing your electric bills, solar power can also boost the value of your home. Another advantage of using solar energy is that it can help you to reduce your carbon footprint. It is also a renewable resource, and its cost is extremely low compared to other forms of energy. Furthermore, solar panels can be a great option for people who are concerned with their home’s value.

In addition, solar panels can help you reduce your electric bill and will save you thousands of dollars on your electric bill. Find out how much solar can save you by trying our solar savings calculator.


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Enphase Energy

An American NASDAQ-listed energy technology company headquartered in Fremont, California. Enphase designs and manufactures software-driven home energy solutions that span solar generation, home energy storage and web-based monitoring and control. Enphase has shipped about thirty million solar microinverters, primarily into the residential and commercial markets in North America. Microinverters convert the direct current power from the solar panel (DC) directly into grid-compatible alternating current (AC) for use or export. Enphase was the first company to successfully commercialize the microinverter on a wide scale, and remains the market leader in their production.


Enphase Energy pioneered the concept of a microinverter. The basic idea behind a microinverter is to convert, manage and monitor energy per panel, rather than the entire array of panels. This reduces the size of the inverter that can be placed on the back of the panel, producing an “AC panel”. Such a system can be connected directly to the grid, or to each other to produce larger arrays. This contrasts with the traditional central inverter approach, where many panels are connected together in series on the DC-side and then run en-masse to a single larger inverter.

In the aftermath of the 2001 Telecoms crash, Martin Fornage of Cerent Corporation was looking for new projects. When he saw the low performance of the string inverter for the solar array on his ranch, he partnered with another Cerent engineer, Raghu Belur, and they formed PVI Solutions. The two tapped Paul Nahi to be CEO at the end of 2006, and Fornage, Belur and Nahi formed Enphase Energy, Inc. in early 2007. Thereafter, the first prototype microinverter was developed. With approximately $6 million in private equity by 2008, Enphase released its first product, the M175, to moderate success. Their 2nd generation product, 2009’s M190, was far more successful, with sales of about 400,000 units in 2009 and early 2010. Enphase quickly grew to 13% market share for residential systems by mid-2010, aiming for 20% by year-end.

They shipped their 500,000th inverter in early 2011, and their one millionth in September of the same year. The 3rd generation M215 was released in the summer of 2011, and had sold over a million of all models in 2011, bringing their installed base to 1.55 million inverters and 34.4% market share. A 4th generation, the M250, was released in 2013.

As of 2012, their inverters captured 53.5% market share for residential installations in the US, which represents 72% of the entire world micro-inverter market. This makes them the sixth largest inverter manufacturer, of any kind, worldwide.

In 2012 and 2013, Enphase experienced increasing pricing pressure due to rapidly falling prices in the inverter market. Market leaders faced market share erosion in the face of newer companies, most of them from the far east. However, in 2019, Enphase remains the leading supplier of solar microinverters globally.


All Enphase microinverters are completely self contained power converters. In the case of a rooftop PV inverter, the unit will convert DC from a single solar panel into grid-compliant AC power, following the maximum power point of the panel. Since the “S” series microinverters (e.g. S280) all Enphase microinverters have been both Advanced Grid Function and Bidirectional power capable. This allows a microinverter to produce power in the DC-AC direction, for solar applications, or in the DC-AC and AC-DC directions, for battery use. The microinverter(s) in the Enphase battery products are exactly the same units as installed on the roof, with only software settings changed.

Legacy Products

The M175 was their first product, released in 2008. It was designed to output 175 Watts of AC power, but is capable of up to 5% over that. The M175 was packaged in a relatively large cast aluminum box, similar to the boxes used on cable tv amplifiers seen on telephone poles. Wiring was passed through the case using compression fittings and the inverters connected to each other using a twist-lock connection. A limited number of M210 models, based on the same generation system, were also available for a limited time.

Due to a high level of failures the M175 was recalled and replaced by the M190 in 2009. The M190 offers a slightly higher power rating of 190 Watts (peaking to 199). The system was packaged in a much smaller case, this time filled with epoxy potting material to handle heat dissipation, and built-in cable connections replacing the earlier compression fittings. The system was otherwise similar, using the same connectors and cabling as the M175, and the two designs could be mixed in a string. Like its predecessor the M175 the M190 has also been plagued by a high failure rate.

Around the same time the company also released the D380, which was essentially two M190’s in a single larger case. For small inverters like the M190, the case and its assembly represented a significant portion of the total cost of production, so by placing two in a single box that cost is spread out. The D380 also introduced a new inter-inverter cabling system based on a “drop cable” system. This placed a single connector on a short cable on the inverter, and used a separate cable with either one or three connectors on it. Arrays were constructed by linking together up to three D380s with a single drop cable, and then connecting them to other drop cables using larger twist-fit connectors.

In 2011 the entire lineup was replaced with the 3rd generation M215, combining the features of the M190 and D380 while improving reliability. Like the M190, the M215 was a single inverter, now in a much smaller box. Like the D380, the M215 used a trunk cabling system with short connector cables on the inverters. However, instead of one or three-drop cable, the M215’s Engage system, used a long roll of cables with connectors spliced into it. The installer cuts the Engage cable to the required length, and then caps the open ends that result.

In 2013 the M250 was released, offering a new grounding system (Integrated Ground – IG) that eliminates the otherwise NEC – required external grounding conductor, increased reliability, and increased efficiency (96.5%), along with a rating bump to 250W. Whereas previous models were all named after the maximum power rating, the M250 actually refers to its peak power. Using the same convention the M190 would be called the M199. The M250 is otherwise identical to the earlier M215 (which also was upgraded with IG) and compatible with the same Engage cabling system.

All Enphase models use power line communications to pass monitoring data between the inverters and the Envoy communications gateway. The Envoy stores daily performance data for up to a year, and, when available, allows Enphase’s Enlighten web service to download data approximately every 15 minutes. Customers and installers can review the data on the Enlighten web site.

Current Products

In 2015 the company launched its fifth generation of products. The S230 and S280 microinverters have the highest efficiency for module-level power electronics at 97%, offer advanced grid functionality like reactive power control, and comply with regulatory requirements like Electric Rule 21 in California and Rule 14H in Hawaii. The next-gen Envoy-S offers revenue-grade metering of solar production, consumption monitoring, and integrated Wi-Fi. The company also moved into home energy storage with its Storage System featuring an AC Battery, a modular, 1.2kWh lithium-iron phosphate offering aimed at residential users that is part of a Home Energy Solution. The Home Energy Solution launched in Australia in mid-2016.

2017 began the introduction of the new IQ architecture, which uses a new cabling system. Two conductors, down from four, are integrated and compliant with electrical codes due to the use of GFCI, no need for a neutral and no conductive materials in the enclosure. The initial products were the IQ6 and IQ6+, followed in 2018 by the IQ7. In 2019 the IQ8 series will enable continuous power production during grid outages during daytime without the need for batteries.

Q Cells

Hanwha Q Cells (commonly known as simply Q CELLS) is a major manufacturer of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. The company is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, after being founded in 1999 in Talheim, Germany, where the company still has its engineering offices. Q Cells now operates as a subsidiary of Hanwha Solutions, an energy and petrochemical company.

Q Cells has manufacturing facilities in China, Malaysia, South Korea, and the United States. The company was the sixth-largest producer of solar cells in 2019, with shipments totaling 7.3 gigawatts.


In 1999, Anton Milner, Reiner Lemoine, Holger Feist, and Paul Grunow established Q Cells in an area of Thalheim, a part of former East Germany that had seen 50,000 people lose their jobs after German reunification. On 23 July 2001, the company produced its first working polycrystalline solar cell on its new production line in Thalheim. Q Cells would grow to become one of the world’s largest solar cell manufacturers, employing Over 2,000 people and encouraging other companies to open facilities in the surrounding area, which would come to be known as “Solar Valley.”

The company went public on 5 October 5, 2005, listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. High share prices during the initial public offering poured money into the company and made the founders wealthy. Lemoine died in 2006, and shortly thereafter, Fest and Grunow left the company to go back into research. Only Milner remained and served as the company’s CEO.

In 2005, Q-Cells established the CdTe PV manufacturer Calyxo. In November 2007, Q-Cells agreed a deal with Solar Fields, which intellectual property and assets were merged into Calyxo’s newly established subsidiary Calyxo USA. In 2011, Solar Fields took over Calyxo.

In 2008, Q-Cells acquired 17.9% stake in Renewable Energy Corporation. This stake was sold in 2009. At the same year, Q-Cells’ subsidiary Sontor merged with a thin-film company Solarfilm.

In June 2009, the company acquired Solibro, a joint venture it had established in 2006. Solibro manufactured thin-film solar cells based on copper-indium-gallium-diselenide. These modules were marketed until the sale of Solibro to Hanergy in 2012.

Q Cells was hit hard by the Great Recession in late 2008, with share prices slipping from over 80 euros to under 20. In response, the company laid off 500 employees. Milner resigned as CEO in early 2010, and by the end of the year, the company’s finances appeared to stabilize. Just a few months later, in 2011, the global solar cell market crashed, with production overcapacity driving prices extremely low. Q-Cells saw sales slide by around 1 billion euros, ran a loss of 846 million euros and on 3 April 2011, the company filed for bankruptcy.

In August 2012, the Hanwha Group, a large South Korean business conglomerate, agreed to acquire Q Cells, saying that it presented synergy opportunities. In 2010, Hanwha had purchased a 49.99% share in Chinese manufacturer Solarfun which had been renamed Hanwha SolarOne. SolarOne had been producing solar cells for Q Cells under contract.

hanwha q cells manufacturing facility
Q Cells manufacturing plant in Dalton, Georgia, United States

Due to high costs, production in Germany ceased in 2015, with Hanwha moving the work to its SolarOne facilities in China and newly opened manufacturing facilities in Malaysia and South Korea. In 2019, Q Cells opened another manufacturing facility in the United States.

In recent years, Hanwha has since worked to simplify the structure of units, merging SolarOne into Q Cells in December 2014, merging Q Cells and the company’s Advanced Materials (petrochemicals) group in 2018, Q Cells & Advanced Materials acquired a solar company operated by the Hanwha Chemicals group in 2019, and in 2020 Hanwha Q Cells & Advanced Materials merged with Hanwha Chemical to form the Hanwha Solutions group.


Q Cells develops and produces mono– and polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and solar panels. It produces and installs PV systems for commercial, industrial, and residential applications and provides EPC services for large-scale solar power plants.

The company’s engineering offices are located at the original headquarters in Thalheim, German. In the United States that have a production facility in Dalton, Georgia in the United States.

LG Chem

Often referred to as LG Chemical, is the largest Korean chemical company and is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. It was the 10th largest chemical company in the world by sales in 2017. It was first established as the Lucky Chemical Industrial Corporation, which manufactured cosmetics. It is now solely a business-to-business company (consumer products division was spun off into LG Household & Health Care).

The company has eight factories in South Korea and a network of 29 business locations in 15 countries. The Financial Times reported on April 2, 2017, that LG Chem would be expanding battery production in China. At the time, China accounted for one-third of the company’s total sales. In April 2019, LG Chem sued rival SK Innovation for allegedly stealing trade secrets for manufacturing electric vehicle batteries.

Business and product areas

LG Chem has three main business areas:

  • Basic materials and chemicals
  • Information technology and electronics materials
  • Energy solutions

Basic materials and chemicals

LG Chem is a supplier of petrochemicals ranging from basic distillates to specialty polymers. For example, it is a large producer of common plastics such as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), styrene-acrylonitrile resin (SAN), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It also produces raw materials and liquids, including plasticizers, specialty additives, alcohols, polyolefins, acrylic acid, synthetic rubber, styrenics, performance polymers, engineering plastics, elastomers, conductive resins, and other chemicals.

Information technology and electronics materials

LG Chem supplies display and optical films, polarizers, printed circuit materials, and toners. It also supplies LCD polarizers, which are multi-layer sheets of film applied to the top and bottom surfaces of TFT-LCD panels to transmit the light from the backlight unit through the panel, and 3D FPR (film-type patterned retarder) film, which enables three-dimensional viewing.

Energy solutions

LG Chem completed development and began mass production of Korea’s first lithium-ion batteries back in 1999. At the end of 2011, LG Chem was the world’s third-largest maker with an annual production capacity of 1 billion cells. It is also a supplier of automotive battery for electric vehicles, such as the Ford Focus, Chevrolet Volt and Renault ZOE.

LG Chem Michigan is a wholly owned subsidiary of LG Chem based in Holland, Michigan which operates a plant to manufacture advanced battery cells for electric vehicles in Holland, Michigan. The US$303 million Holland plant received 50% of its funding from U.S. Department of Energy matching stimulus funds, and started manufacturing battery systems in 2013. The plant can produce enough cells per year to build between 50,000 and 200,000 battery packs for electric cars and hybrids such as the Chevrolet Volt by General Motors, the Ford Focus Electric, and upcoming plug-in electric vehicles from other carmakers. Its research and development arm, called LG Chem Power, is based in nearby Troy, Michigan. LG Chem Power and LG Chem Michigan were originally one company called Compact Power, Inc.

Both the Chevrolet Volt and the Ford Focus Electric initially used cells manufactured in Korea by parent LG Chem and then later switched to cells produced in LG Chem Michigan’s Holland plant once it opened.

In September 2020, LG Chem unveiled its plan to publicly list its energy division under the name of LG Energy Solution by December.


Is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in AustinTexasUnited States. Tesla designs and manufactures electric cars, battery energy storage from home to grid-scale, solar panels and solar roof tiles, and related products and services. Tesla is one of the world’s most valuable companies and remains the most valuable automaker in the world with a market cap of nearly $1 trillion. The company had the most sales of battery electric vehicles and plug-in electric vehicles, capturing 16% of the plug-in market (which includes plug-in hybrids) and 23% of the battery-electric (purely electric) market. Through its subsidiary Tesla Energy, the company develops and is a major installer of photovoltaic systems in the United States. Tesla Energy is also one of the largest global suppliers of battery energy storage systems, with 3 gigawatt-hours (GWh) installed in 2020.

Founded in July 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning as Tesla Motors, the company’s name is a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. In February 2004, via a US$6.5 million investment, co-founder Elon Musk became the largest shareholder of the company and its chairman. He has served as CEO since 2008. According to Musk, the purpose of Tesla is to help expedite the move to sustainable transport and energy, obtained through electric vehicles and solar power. Tesla began production of its first car model, the Roadster, in 2009. This was followed by the Tesla Model S sedan in 2012, the Tesla Model X SUV in 2015, the Tesla Model 3 sedan in 2017, and the Tesla Model Y crossover in 2020. The Tesla Model 3 is the all-time best-selling plug-in electric car worldwide, and, in June 2021, became the first electric car to sell 1 million units globally. Tesla’s global vehicle sales were 499,550 units in 2020, a 35.8% increase over the previous year. In October 2021, Tesla’s market capitalization reached US$1 trillion, the sixth company to do so in U.S. history.

Tesla has been the subject of several lawsuits and controversies arising from statements and acts of CEO Elon Musk and from allegations of creative accounting, whistleblower retaliation, worker rights violations, and unresolved and dangerous technical problems with their products. In September 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) ordered Tesla to submit data pertaining to all sold US vehicles equipped with Autopilot.

Tesla Energy products

Tesla subsidiary Tesla Energy develops, builds, sells and installs solar energy generation systems and battery energy storage products (as well as related products and services) to residential, commercial and industrial customers.

The subsidiary was created by the merger of Tesla’s existing battery energy storage products division with SolarCity, a solar energy company that Tesla acquired in 2016.

Tesla Energy’s generation products include solar panels (built by other companies for Tesla), the Tesla Solar Roof (a solar shingle system) and the Tesla Solar Inverter. Other products include the Powerwall (a home energy storage device) and the Powerpack and Megapack, which are large-scale energy storage systems.

In 2020, the company deployed solar energy systems capable of generating 205 megawatts (ranked third in U.S. residential solar installations) and deployed 3 gigawatt-hours of battery energy storage products.

Tesla Energy Software

Tesla has developed a software ecosystem to support its energy hardware products. Autobidder, Powerhub, Opticaster, Microgrid Controller and Virtual Machine Mode are the products that Tesla offers.


SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. is an Israel-headquartered provider of power optimizersolar inverter and monitoring systems for photovoltaic arrays. These products aim to increase energy output through module-level Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Established in 2006, the company has offices in the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Israel. It is incorporated in Delaware.


SolarEdge was established in 2006 by Guy Sella, first CEO and Chairman, Lior Handelsman, VP of Product Strategy & Business Development, Yoav Galin, VP of R&D, Meir Adest, VP of Core Technologies and Amir Fishelov, Chief Software Architect.

The company is venture capital backed and investors include GE Energy Financial Services, Norwest Venture PartnersLightspeed Venture Partners, ORR Partners, Genesis Partners, Walden International, Vertex Ventures Israel, JP Asia Capital and Opus Capital Ventures.

At the end of 2009, the company started mass production of its products by electronic manufacturing services provider Flextronics International Ltd.

In 2010, the company shipped an estimated 250,000 power optimizers and 12,000 inverters – amounting to a total generation of 50 megawatts and 70% of the power optimizers market.

In March 2015, SolarEdge had an initial public offering of 7,000,000 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $18.00 per share, raising $126 million. The shares began trading on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol “SEDG.” Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank acted as joint book-running managers for the offering.

Following a battle with cancer, founder Guy Sella died in 2019. Former Global Sales VP Zvi Lando, was appointed acting CEO.

Tesla SolarEdge Partnership

SolarEdge was established in 2006 by Guy Sella, first CEO and Chairman, Lior Handelsman, VP of Product Strategy & Business Development, Yoav Galin, VP of R&D, Meir Adest, VP of Core Technologies and Amir Fishelov, Chief Software Architect.

The company is venture capital backed and investors include GE Energy Financial Services, Norwest Venture PartnersLightspeed Venture Partners, ORR Partners, Genesis Partners, Walden International, Vertex Ventures Israel, JP Asia Capital and Opus Capital Ventures.

At the end of 2009, the company started mass production of its products by electronic manufacturing services provider Flextronics International Ltd.

In 2010, the company shipped an estimated 250,000 power optimizers and 12,000 inverters – amounting to a total generation of 50 megawatts and 70% of the power optimizers market.

In March 2015, SolarEdge had an initial public offering of 7,000,000 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $18.00 per share, raising $126 million. The shares began trading on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol “SEDG.” Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank acted as joint book-running managers for the offering.

Following a battle with cancer, founder Guy Sella died in 2019. Former Global Sales VP Zvi Lando, was appointed acting CEO.

Schneider Electric Partnership

In October 2020, SolarEdge has partnered with Schneider Electric. This alliance is planned to provide a cohesive electricity environment for installers and device owners, while also accelerating solar installation experience across the region.

Introduction of Square D Energy Center

The Square D Energy Center is operated by Schneider Electric’s Wiser technology, along with Solaredge’s Energy Hub Inverter with Prism Technology, for home automation and electronic energy storage.


Traditional PV systems are typically characterized by a centralized inverter or string inverter architecture*. In this topology the inverter performs MPPT for large quantities of solar panels as a whole. Since the solar panels are connected in series to form strings, the same current must flow through all the modules, so the solar inverter continuously adjusts the electric current in the system to find the average optimal working point of all the modules. As a result, potential power may be lost whenever a mismatch exists between modules.

*Panel mismatch is unavoidable in many cases, due to panel manufacturing tolerance, partial shading, uneven soiling, or uneven tilt angle. In addition, power may also be lost due to slow tracking of dynamic weather conditions caused by moving clouds, and on extremely hot or cold days when the system DC voltage may exceed the inverter’s permissible input voltage range*. These factors cause small losses in yearly yields, but they are present. Other drawbacks of traditional PV systems include:

  • System design is constrained by the need to match all strings’ length and orientation
  • Monitoring visibility and fault detection are limited to the inverter (or in some cases, to the string level)
  • High DC voltage is present as long as the sun is up, posing a possible risk of electrocution to installers, maintenance personnel and firefighters*

These drawbacks, however, can be mitigated by newer string inverters with advanced electronics and features such as dual, shade-tolerant and improved MPPT.


In October 2018, SolarEdge announced agreements to acquire a major stake in Kokam, a South Korean provider of Lithium-ion battery cells, batteries and energy storage solutions.

In January 2019 SolarEdge announced the acquisition of a majority stake in SMRE – an italian EV/Powertrain manufacturer. SMRE has since been renamed to SOLAREDGE e-MOBILITY SpA.

Silfab Solar

Silfab Solar is a world-class manufacturer of solar panels, offering unparalleled performance and reliability for North American consumers. They have been recognized as one the largest module manufacturers in America with their process being specifically designed to meet our needs here at home!
As an organization that balances production between original equipment makers (OEM) partners like themselves; they make sure there’s always enough supply on hand so you can get your hands dirty installing or maintaining these beautiful energy generating devices today – without worry about running out anytime soon


  • Company website:
  • Made in: Canada and North America
  • Product lines: Solar Panels
  • Warranty:  30 Year Linear Performance and 25 Year Limited Product Warranty
  • Company Type: Privately Held as Silfab Solar, Inc.
  • Year Founded: 2010 with Headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario (Canada)